War on Women?

I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about the Republicans’ supposed “War On Women.”

I chalked it up to naivete. Of course the Ds are going to gin up a War On Women. First it was Race Warfare, then it was Class Warfare, and now of course it’s Gender Warfare.

Well, I was right and I was wrong.

There’s no doubt this is another attempt to deflect attention from Obama’s dismal record. The difference is this time it’s not entirely manufactured.

There are some very disturbing things going on in this country. States are passing legislation that severely restricts a woman’s access to birth control and safe, legal abortions. And they’re not shy about admitting what they’re doing. 

[Mississippi] Governor Bryant… acknowledged the bill was intended to “make Mississippi abortion-free” and Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves said outright the law “will effectively end abortion in Mississippi”- Planned Parenthood

This kind of thing is going on in other states, too…states like Illinois, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Arizona, not to mention the less surprising states like Alabama, Kansas and Tennessee.

There’s no doubt the Republican party has been left in the dust where issues of sex are concerned. And I emphatically include gay marriage here. 

Will this change who I vote for in November? Absolutely not.

The bottom-line is that reproductive rights are so far down my list of concerns right now as to almost fall off the list.

The country is in SERIOUS trouble.

The Labor Participation Rate is the lowest it’s been since September, 1981. All while Boomers are delaying retirement in record numbers. That “improved” unemployment rate last week was due to 387,000 workers leaving the work force. That means people are laying down and giving up.

Even worse, 87,000 of the paltry 96,000 jobs added were phantom jobs added by the birth death model. Basically the BLS guessed that 87,000 new businesses were started in August… Hmmm.

Today the Fed launched QE3, saying that the program would run indefinitely. This is the last bullet in their gun. They are so over-leveraged right now that even a *very* small rise in interest rates will send them spiraling into default. When that happens, we’re screwed. 

All it will take to raise rates is for China to slow their bond purchasing. Is that likely to happen? Hell, yes. They’ve been warning of it for awhile now, and their economy is on the verge of a credit implosion as bad as ours was in 2007–some experts think it will be WORSE.

Or maybe it will just take another downgrade by a major ratings agency… like say, Moody’s, for example.

We need a leader who knows what the heck they’re doing, and we need it yesterday–no, make that FOUR YEARS AGO.

War on Women or not, women need to vote for Romney, because he’s proven he can avert disaster in hopeless situations.

Our kids will thank us.

…And let’s face it. No one’s gonna overturn Roe v. Wade in our lifetimes.